Thursday 21 February 2013

My way

The world has become strange and unpredictable. The kindest rustle of the night's moon turned into the dreadful sound of a marching orchestra in a parade of dead zone. The early morning sun glimmers which was giving to a pure dew on the green leaves in the Zeus garden - colours of life, became the hot stove burning your sinless skin. You are like a little boy who runs through streets with eyes closed. A boy who just wants to run past the bench with minors attracted into an illusionistic world that has been created by one cheap injection. A shattered glass bottle of wine after a drunken debate last night.

Where is the world of singing larks and blushing violets on a spring meadow?

I run on! 

Thursday 7 February 2013


I mentioned on Friday to my friends that the upcoming weekend will definitely bring the fresher and clearer nights for a silent writer like me.
First and second day had gone quicker than I thought. Saturday morning somewhere about 8:00 o’clock, my eyes said hello to the unexpectedly silly and noisy alarm clock. My only though I can share with you here is or maybe was “ Why me? “  Why the hell, is the pillow so comfortable underneath my lazy and full of rubbish head? – Never mind
 I threw my clock somewhere deep into the Universe of my messy room and the noise has finally gone. Yep it’s gone but not for a while. Bloody birds suddenly decided to start a concert just behind my blurred window. Who told them that it is time to start your journey from the Black continent and move towards to England? Don’t you see, it is still cold and cold and sometimes cold again? Please fly away and let me carry on sleeping in my warm nest. I am like the eagle during his retirement time with only few feathers and dirty claws.
So Saturday was like the day with a lemon tea on the sunny beach. Nothing happened! Do you understand it? Nothing, not even one single move forward! What a waste of time.
I have had a thought to be a normally creative person and write more than 30 or 32 sentences but it seems to be a very low level of motivation inside of me. Eventually I lost most of my magic power during the contemplating about who I should become during my dreams tonight.
 I’m going to be a zebra. Yes zebra and the hungry hyenas herd, Ta-da I am the wizard of my own dreams.

Goodnight folks and see you in my secret world. Please watch your back, I can be a newborn eagle again.