Sunday 11 August 2013

following my own steps

I have been trying to find my secret world again. I was loitering in a life without beating hard for too long.

Still deep in my heart

It has been several months since I sent to you my last letter. This period was as always, full of surprises. Good and bad ones.
Life has become even more unpredictable and future so much unknown. In that time, no matter what, struggles or challenges I have had to faces, you always appeared in my kindest thoughts and memories.
I had desire to send you this letter many days, weeks or even months before. Especially when I was visiting my little home town. After my trip that I took to me peaceful and heavenly green woodland, I wanted to share my emotions with you. I wanted to send you an immaculate painting of what I saw during my trip in my human words.  However, I had and still have a feeling that a lack of any response from you for my very last letter is a sign that you don’t want to see my words anymore.
Despite of these feelings, I have decided to write to you again. Just to ask you if everything is fine and how do you feel?
You are the person who will always stay deep in my heart and my thoughts. Even though you already erased me from your heart, please send me only one sentence that it says about your warm smile that appears on your face

You will always be in my thoughts