Monday 17 March 2014


I closed my eyes and I saw the sea wants to kiss the golden shore, I saw the sunlight warms my skin - All the beauty that I left behind me. One day, the same wind will take care of me and take me back to my place where I will build a house in the trees.

That moment on Friday evening.....

As soon as I walked through the front door, I almost ran to my room to cuddle my pillows - without paying any attention to where I dropped my jacket, left my shoes or if I needed to turn the lights on. At that moment, nothing really mattered – I only wanted to feel soft blue pillows on my crying cheeks. That was the unique moment where the little boy who lives deep in my heart decided to walk out from my heart and show his flawless face in reflection of falling tears.
 For hours my body lay down without a determination to move even an inch. Whoever was looking at me at that moment from the top of the Mount Olympus, quite precisely could see a human body that had seemingly lost its soul. Momentarily, the whole human world didn’t exist for my eyes, hands or always smiling face – it has gone into dark abyss. But unlike my dying body, my mind was in heaven. I saw myself sitting in the garden, watching the blue sky during the warm day like having tea in my family home. 
That moment was so essential for me, for my soul which becoming weaker virtually every morning. Thus, I don’t know how many more sunsets my eyes would welcome together with open arms as well as how many more chances to visit my beautiful green woodland I would get from the Oracle......

I haven’t started smiling yet, but at least my heart is beating again!