Tuesday 14 April 2015

I have not forgotten

"There are nights were I'm thinking about you - In my softest memories, I'm going back to those days, and I smile.  So many years have passed, but I still lovingly remember your name.
I close my eyes, and I wonder where are you now, do you still remember......

Do you know, that I can still hear your unique voice?"


Friday 3 April 2015

In two weeks time I will feel again warm and sunny days.......

I'm still here

Every now and then, you are coming back to this place to read the history. Through the letters written by your hand, you travel back to the places, events where your eyes witnessed a different life. The feeling inside makes you feel like you have been walking along a shelf full of dusty books. Whenever you stop, there is a story waiting for you to read it again, and take your mind behind human words.

This place is like a mystery or I shall write – it is like a vision of countless shining stars during a cold and breezy night for an ancient traveller who has got lost in the middle of a lonely dark desert. He sees them, he watches them, but deep inside does not understand the meaning of it. He can only assume that those are...... and after minutes of contemplating, there is still no answer in his mind. Just like reading those posts. They may be fascinating, strange or incomprehensible for a reader who has just opened his eyes and looked at the sky. Those sentences are hiding too many secrets words so even the author must patiently read them to put all the puzzles together.  But this is what inspires him to keep this place alive for nights like this one, where he has decided to come back to all those written words and smile to them.