Friday 30 May 2014

Two more years

I sat down in my garden the other day - Yes, this garden, not any other! Happily watching two cats chasing each other and enjoying minute by minute that fresh air that has so much positive fluids, a thought appeared in my head. I shall say, a spiritually motivating thought, which said " Only two more years, and you will be free of that pressure!" The heavy baggage which I have carried for years, will be gone and I will become a free man" Two more years, and I will say goodbye to the Island where my heart has been always in pain. I surely want this to happen now - but I'm not ready yet. However,at that moment, I made a promise to myself, that i will do everything that is possible to pack my suitcase and forever leave the place which has been psychologically killing me for almost a decade. I'm becoming too weak to carry on pretending that I'm happy!

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