Monday 15 October 2012

Culture is the arts elevated to a set of beliefs.

Under your feet you can hear the rustle of gentle falling autumn leaves. Slowly walking with your head full of thoughts, you are passing the bench that seems to be so lonely in the world, changing the colour of the leaves.
You stopped not only your vision, but also your steps to care, to serene this place for a moment. You sat down as a dignified man with a gentle smile on his face. Time had become like a stranger and not prompted you that it’s time to move on/ you sit and ruminate about what is going on around- why the bench is so lonely when this place is so beautiful?
When thoughts become as enchanted as a movie without end, suddenly you hear the rustle of leaves from the distance.
Yes, there is a character, like never been known to you before, she smiles for a moment, and then as if she wanted to be serious, you want to say something but you cannot.
You offer your hand to give a piece of paper with few words in it. In her hands you leave a message of a complete delight. You wrote the word, and that word is transformed into a sentence. You just can’t finish bay saying goodbye- you need to add words of praise.
Now you are waiting for an answer for even one sentence. You have been wondering when and if It will be a romantic or maybe short but meaningful letter.

After hours, days there is a letter and the sentence. It is a beautiful joy in your heart and greater desire. So you are writing another one with a bigger hope that the next letter she might send to you will have a small oz of her gorgeous smile.

You are waiting for another one when at the same time your mind creates sentence that you want to convey to a lady who has written to you from the distance and as if she sitting on another bench.