Tuesday 2 April 2013

Love generation

Through words in this letter and warm thoughts I would like to wish you calm and sunny days this Easter.

This emptiness that filled the distance between two of us, sometimes scares me. From one hand side I want to make the little light in the dark tunnel to appear but I don't know how.

Despite I am not talking to you, it does not mean I am not thinking of you, that I am not coming back in my memories to warm spring days that were also warm for both of us

Life is like a speeding locomotive that I wish to stop one day on the small train station in the middle of the green forest. Stop the train and fall in love within the silence around. 

Start the conversation with the same moon that accompanied me every night in my garden while I was talking to you. But this is unreachable at least for now.

A few days ago I heard the same song that quite often I had been listening, writing all letters to you in late May nights. Memories, thoughts and longing came back for the unique state of mind. Not to mentioned the evening walks in Southern France.

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