Thursday 16 January 2014

Dying to be together

I’m finally holding in my hand, the same pen that was given to me as a blessed gift from the creator of the entire Universe. The same pen which helped me to write early one summer’s day, the story about a little Island with a woman who forever waits on a sandy shore. A woman, who kept looking for the boat that was promised by Venus to bring to her the man’s heart, who she had loved in her previous life. Years of impatience waiting to see and touch for the very last time the love of her life before she closes her blue eyes - forever.One day, when the Sun was warmer than ever, she suddenly noticed a white bird flying above the shore and screaming loudly “look!he is coming!”. She looked at the blue sea and, finally, she sees the boat with the promised gift. Now, with crying eyes, she is reaching the heart to feel it for the very last time. But, together with her touch, the heart turned into her forever loved one, whose eyes were alive like he had never died in the past. For a second, they stand together, alive and looking into each other’s eyes. That was a time when they said their last goodbye and walked together towards the shining star which was the beautiful, open arms of Venus

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