Wednesday 8 January 2014

Maybe one day....

A few minutes of impatience, waiting at a cold and windy station where the sun’s warm rays barely could reach my eyes. Only now can I feel it, a whisper of my beating heart that tells me it’s only a few minutes left before the train arrives and I see her again. To see again, the woman to whom my heart has been beating continually since I saw her beauty for the first time. It’s been many years of hope and countless dreams where, in a different world, we walked together through a meadow full of flowers.

After a few minutes.... a train arrives and hundreds of strangers flock through the opened doors. Among them, I finally see the unique, smiling face. She is here! We are here! This isn’t just a dream! Now, walking together side by side, we talk to each other in a real human language  and look at the medieval buildings that surround us. An old medieval square, still full of Christmas spirit, and two of us.

When the day had started, saying goodbye to let the heavenly, beautiful night take guard of all of us, deep inside my heart I started feeling like a person who was touched by an angel and suddenly I felt her hand touching mine. The sky was already full of stars. The moon, little street lamps, and a singing woman in the front of the old church, made the moment feel like my most wanted dream. Everything was precisely like a romantic poem written by God himself, who suddenly decided to show his existence and create this moment just for me, or maybe for both of us?!
I didn’t want to go sleep, as I knew that the next morning would be the last moment that we were going to spend together. I touched her hand, and stroked her hair while she was slowly awaking.  I gazed into her eyes like a paralyzed man that is unable to move. My soul was amazed by the special charm that only she has.
Time became my biggest enemy, running like an animal that cannot be stopped or slowed down by any human or its wildest prey .Our last walk where, for a moment, I softly touched her velvet-like hand. She will never find out how many tears of happiness were falling, not from my eyes but, from my heart.

Suddenly, we are standing at the same cold train station, where we must say goodbye and walk away into separate directions. I want to say so many words, adore her ‘til the last moment but, Hades has decided to ruin everything and take my happiness away from me.

The train has left, and now I’m standing right beside the God of the underworld who made me feel like my heart has been killed once again. I will wait for you, even though I must wait once again long 5 years.

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